Tag: winter

  • Hemingway’s Caturday Art

    Hemingway’s Caturday Art

    Mom said I could do the Caturday Art today so this is what I did. I think I look pretty cool in my tie-dye look! Steinbeck and I are laying in sun puddles today ‘cuz it’s super cold outside. Mom said she’s not even going to go outside today. Just a typical winter day here.…

  • The Angels Are At It Again

    Steinbeck and I woke up this morning and saw that the angels had been busy again. They must have too much powdered sugar up there ‘cuz they dumped some more on us. Not only did the angels dump the powdered sugar, but they also turned on all their fans and made things blow around here.…

  • Powdered Sugar??

    I told Mom that I just had to go outside and check out all the powdered sugar out there. It’s everywhere. I love to explore in our back yard and when it’s not super cold, I need to be out there checking on things. Mom…check it out! There really is powdered sugar everywhere. As far…

  • What Happened?

    Steinbeck, have you looked outside? I don’t want to.  I made the mistake of looking out a little while ago and it was white.  I guess the angels were washing their wings and they spilled detergent all over the place. You can believe that little tale you made up if you want to, but I…

  • Stop Dusting!!!

    We’re so tired of the angels dusting!!! Did they save up all their dusting for a bazillion years or something? Just look at what they did! Mom opened the back door for us today and asked us if we wanted to go outside. Is she crazy???  Why would we want to put our beautiful feet…

  • Winter Selfie

    Hey everyone!  I actually ventured outside for a few seconds today and took my picture.  I didn’t want to face the camera ‘cuz I didn’t want you to see my teeth chattering.  Even though the sun is shining, the air is cold.  My furs and paws don’t like it!  I came back inside to take…

  • Frosty Sunday Selfie

    It’s really cold and white outside today so I’m going to sleep and hopefully when I wake up it will be spring again! Check out my other friends at the Sunday Blog Hop.

  • Caturday Winter Art

    It’s cold and snowy outside so I’m just going to curl up inside and stay warm.  If you see that guy in the red suit, please tell him not to forget me!  I wasn’t even born last year so he may not realize I’m here now.  I promise I’ve been good………….well, most of the time!…

  • Two Cat Night

    Hemingway, I get concerned when Mom has to go outside in the cold. Don’t worry, Little One.  Mom has lived in Minnesota for many, many, many, many years and she can handle the cold…..even if she doesn’t like it. But this morning we had less than no temperature.  There was a – sign in front…

  • MOM!!!! Please Explain………..

    MOM!!!  I’ve been thinking and thinking and my brain is really sore.  I just can’t figure out what happened.  It started off as a normal morning and then I looked outside! Where did all the color go?  What is all that white stuff?  Did the angels have a big pillow fight and all their pillows…